An eye-opening experience.

Shun Qing
Ngee Ann-OIP Wuhan(3rd Batch)

Shout here!



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Emotion icons: Kao-ani

Wednesday, September 30, 2009, 7:32 PM

Day 30
IS Taoism & Buddhism, Assignment 2 presentation, a trip to WUST library

To continue from the previous IS lecture, we had our IS lesson about Taoism and Buddhism in the morning. Subsequently in the afternoon, we had our assignment 2 presentation. It was tough, but I would say I did try my best to improve myself from the assignment 1 presentation. Phew~ Got it over and done with, now left assignment 3 to go.

As soon as we finished our lesson, Anyu and I went to the WUST library to meet her friend, Yuan Wei. A big thanks to Anyu and her friend, for their arrangements so that I could borrow the books in their library. Due to the shortage of library cards, Anyu had to wait outside for us while Yuan Wei helped to ‘smuggle’ me into the library. Too bad I couldn’t take photos of the library as it would arouse the attention of the librarian. A lot of Chinese books collections, and they even have AutoCad instruction book in Chinese! Then again, due to the limited amount of books that I could borrow, I managed to borrow 2 books, which are: 白话聊斋 (bai hua liao zai) and 孙子大轉 (sun zi da zhuan).


It was a very meaningful day for me, especially I could go and take a look at their library. I love their book collections! But I had simply no time to look finish because almost everyone had gone back to their hometown and I could not borrow anymore books until they come back. Never mind! One look is already satisfying. :)